Friday, January 11, 2008

07/01/08 – KF Seetoh of Makansutra ate my Taiwanese Beef Noodle

It was around 5.15pm when food guru K.F. Seetoh appeared and ordered a bowl of my beef noodle. I was delighted and honoured that he ate my beef noodle.

After he ate it, he said…

I shouldn’t disclose what he said since it was spoken in confidence besides I didn’t get his permission to divulge it. You’ll find out about what he thinks of my food eventually.

Many thanks for trying my beef noodle, Seetoh.

See you again.

BTW: I didn't wash the bowl and chopsticks that he ate with, and they are now (somewhat moldy) proudly displayed in my home's showcase. I plan to auction them off in e-bay to the highest bidder later after I have them DNA-certified that it is Seetoh’s saliva that’s on them. I am kidding here because I had washed them just like the other bowls. :o)

KF Seetoh pic is reproduced from website


Mandy said...

waaaah, congratulations on having the honour of a visit from the esteemed foodie! Nice to know word is getting around about your prowess as a cook.

tansbeefnoodle said...

Thank you so much Mandy. Appreciate it!